GET INVOLVED! Community Stewards
To build equity and inclusion into the framework of neighborhood planning and development, SVD created the Community Stewards Program in 2019. Our goal is to increase equity and empowerment in the Broadway Slavic Village neighborhoods through leadership and capacity building amongst residents and to guide development of our neighborhood plan.
What is a Community Steward?
A Community Steward is a neighborhood leader who wants to take their activism to the next level. Stewards receive free training on grassroots leadership, trauma-informed care, and racial equity. They are also encouraged to participate in optional trainings on environmental stewardship, personal finance, and more. A $1000 stipend is provided to compensate for their time.
Stewards have access to mini grants and staff support to do projects that build community in Slavic Village.
The program started in 2020 as a new way for Slavic Village Development to engage neighborhood residents. The Community Stewards are racially diverse, age diverse, have a wide variety of community leadership experiences, and live in every part of our service area.
Community Stewards are expected to:
Attend Educational Workshops
Including Leadership Training from Neighborhood Connections, Trauma Training from MetroHealth, and Racial Equity Training provided by the Racial Equity Insititute.
Develop a Neighborhood Plan
Using the EcoDistricts Protocol, a new standard for urban and community development built around three distinct imperatives or principles: Equity, Resilience, and Climate Protection
Connect With Residents
Help your neighbors by providing them with the resources they need and partner with them on projects that help your neighborhood grow and thrive.
Our neighborhood is leading the way with a modern approach to building community by changing the paradigm: we rely on residents, stakeholders, and partner organizations to drive progress.
Want to Get Involved?
Community Stewards serve for one calendar year, and may serve for more than one year. Applications open in the fall of the year prior to service. To express interest before then, learn what projects stewards are currently involved in, or ask other questions about the program, contact Moses below or fill out the form.
5620 Broadway Ave, Cleveland, OH 44127
(216) 429-1182 Ext. 106
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5620 Broadway Ave.
Cleveland, OH, 44127
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Hours of Operation
Mon – Fri: 9am – 5pm
Sat-Sun: Closed
Contact Us
(216) 429-1182
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