Please find below a list of COVID-19 resources for small businesses and employees to utilize during this crisis. Slavic Village small businesses, contact Marilyn Mosinski at or 216-429-1182 X105 for assistance.
Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act:
CARES Act Summary: Greater Cleveland Partnership’s Advocacy Team summarized a two-page document that covers all programs and support outlined in the CARES Act for businesses, nonprofits, individuals, states, and more.
CARES Act Summary for Nonprofits: In addition to the GCP summary, BVU shared a summary compiled by Tom Raffa from Marcum LLP. Marcum is an international leader on financial advising for nonprofits and various other sectors. This summary is a deep dive into the CARES Act specific to nonprofits.
SBA – Disaster Assistance Loan Fund Summary:
USE OF FUNDS: Economic Injury Loans – to cover ongoing working capital needs (leases, utilities, mortgage payments, payroll, etc.); traditional expenses “to keep lights on” – fill the gap on lost revenue (estimate for “x” months).
- Brief Summary of Terms:
- 3.75% Fixed loan, up to 30-yr. term
- Loans made up to $2MM max – NOTE: Increases can be requested to existing loan within 2 yrs. of first award (not to exceed $2MM cap).
- Due Diligence: underwriting still requires all standard info + not necessarily expedited, trying to speed up, not guaranteed – hope not to exceed 2 week turnaround
- Loans will be centrally processed for Ohio (not local)
- Early stage businesses are also eligible (minimum 6 months of operations)
- Loans under $25k are unsecured; Loans over $25K need security, but does not have to match dollar value of loan (hard assets as collateral)
The Paycheck Protection Program(“PPP”): The Paycheck Protection Program(“PPP”) authorizes up to $349 billion in forgivable loans to small businesses to pay their employees during the COVID-19 crisis. All loan terms will be the same for everyone. The loan amounts will be forgiven as long as:
The loan proceeds are used to cover payroll costs, and most mortgage interest, rent, and utility costs over the 8 week period after the loan is made; and
Employee and compensation levels are maintained. Payroll costs are capped at $100,000 on an annualized basis for each employee.
Due to likely high subscription, it is anticipated that not more than 25% of the forgiven amount may be for non-payroll costs. Loan payments will be deferred for 6months
US Chamber of Commerce Foundation: Save Small Businesses Fund
They are launching the Save Small Business Fund with Vistaprint to provide assistance to small business owners impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. With contributions from corporate and philanthropic partners, the Chamber Foundation will distribute $5,000 grants to small employers in the U.S. and its territories.
The Save Small Business Fund is part of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Save Small Business Initiative—a nationwide effort to address small business owners’ immediate needs, mitigate closures and job losses, and mobilize the long-term support the small business community needs for recovery.
– Employ between 3 and 20 people
– Be located in an economically vulnerable community
– Have been harmed financially by the COVID-19 pandemic
City of Cleveland: Emergency Working Capital Fund
Up to $10,000 loan for reimbursement for operating costs incurred for the month of March onward-No fees-No interest or payments due until January 1, 2021, 1% interest thereafter.-Payment of $150/month until repaid.
ELIGIBILITY-Business was operating in the City of Cleveland as of March 1, 2020-Eligible Small Business in line with SBA definitions-Negatively impacted by COVID-19-Subject to Credit Review. Apply here.
Business For All Grants
The current COVID-19 crisis has been a game changer for small businesses. To ensure Business for All, Hello Alice with the support of Verizon, Silicon Valley Bank, Ebay, and others is offering $10,000 emergency grants, being distributed immediately to small business owners impacted by this pandemic.
If your business has been severely impacted by COVID-19, please complete the full COVID19 Business for All Grant application to apply for immediate support in the form of $10,000 grants.
Additionally, we have set up the COVID-19 Business Resource Center, where you can access additional financial support, find resources and programs specific to where you live, learn how to pivot your small business, and more
COSE/Greater Cleveland Partnership:
- US Small Business Administration (SBA): Guidance for Businesses and Employers to Plan and Respond to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
- US Small Business Administration (SBA):Local Assistance Directory
- Downtown Cleveland Alliance: How to Stay Safe and Support Downtown Cleveland Small Businesses
- Verizon and LISC Fire Up $2.5 Million Small Business COVID-19 Recovery Fund
Additional list of resources including Funding/ Capital, Business Guidance, Technology Tools, Health and Wellness Resources.
HFLA Emergency Loan Program:
HFLA is offering an emergency interest-free loan of up to $1,500. These loans are designed to help small business owners affected by the coronavirus. More information can be found on the HFLA website.
To apply, borrowers should contact HFLA at 216-378-9042 or email or specifying that the request is for coronavirus related needs. If you need more funds you may be eligible to apply for HFLA’s standard interest free loan (up to $10,000 with a guarantor).
Honeycomb Relief Loan Program:
These Community-sourced loans for small businesses impacted by the coronavirus, up to $50,000, will offer a 45-day payment free period and a six-month interest-only period.
Unemployment Policy Updates
- Ohio Department of Job and Family Services will waive employer penalties for late reporting and payments for the next quarter to assist employers impacted by the lack of staff availability. See this fact sheet for more information.
- The CARES Act will provide an additional weekly benefit of $600 on top of your weekly award from the State of Ohio.
- Confused about the ODJFS website’s application process? Click here to find answers.
Safe & Sanitized Short Term Housing
- Airriva, an Ohio-based property management company, has reduced their short term housing rates by 70%. They offer various night stays in and around University Circle (and Cleveland) for employees of healthcare facilities, safety personnel, displaced travelers and others effected by COVID-19.
- Rates range from $38-$65/night and all properties go through medical grade sterilization.
- Book/Reserve Here
Unemployment Eligibility
- The State’s unemployment system has been updated to cover employees who are out of work due to Covid-19, even if only temporarily
- The state will waive the typical waiting period required to qualify
- Workers without paid time off who are under quarantine by their job or a health-care professional can also receive unemployment
- The state has set up a Q&A page with more information
Applying for Unemployment
- Employees should apply for unemployment online
Bartender Employee Relief Program
- Financial assistance available to a Bartender or the spouse or child of a Bartender, defined as an individual employed in serving beverages or otherwise engaged in the production, promotion or distribution of alcoholic beverages.
- Application available here
- For COVID-19 Relief, must upload your most recent paycheck
ShareWork Ohio
- SharedWork Ohio is a voluntary layoff aversion program. It allows workers to remain employed and employers to retain trained staff during times of reduced business activity. Under a SharedWork Ohio plan, the participating employer reduces affected employees’ hours in a uniform manner.
- The participating employee works the reduced hours each week, and the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) provides eligible individuals an unemployment insurance benefit proportionate to their reduced hours.
- Employer FAQ and Employee FAQ
Employers Now Hiring
The Greater Cleveland Partnership has put together a list of employers that are now hiring. See the list here.